Are you one of those people that makes new year's resolutions and never stick to them? I used to do it for years and then decided not to put that pressure on myself anymore because I knew it wouldn't last long. We all overindulge at Christmas time and new year and put those unwanted extra pounds on but 2020 was kind of an extraordinary year and speaking for myself I know I have put on more than a few extra pounds.
When we was hit with this pandemic in March 2020 and went into a national lockdown it affected us all really hard everything closed down but were allowed one hour of exercise a day outside whether that be for a walk or a run but it was hard for those who were used to going to the gym, now, I have never been a gym person myself but I did sympathise with those who are, my husband and son included, and then came along Joe Wicks who got the nation and especially the children in to exercising every morning which was a fabulous thing to do.
By the summer things improved, shops, take out restaurants, and gyms slowly started to reopen, a bit of normality returned, then a new variant of the virus hit us and more restrictions were made. Christmas arrived and was cancelled, we found ourselves in another lockdown or tier four as they are calling it and so everything closed again. As we celebrated, or not celebrated Christmas there would have been a lot more eating and drinking going on, but how much of that overindulging was due to maybe having to spend time alone, no contact with the outside world, not seeing family and friends?
There is no doubt about it that 2020 and especially Christmas would have had a massive impact on our mental health and wellbeing, but if we can try and get into the right mindset and change our thinking process then we can make a difference to our health mentally and physically.
It’s all about choices and whether we decide to make those choices. I have chosen for 2021 to take more care of my wellbeing and get into the right frame of mind by starting with dry January ,healthier eating, and what exercise I can do.
A few months ago, I bought a programme called Full Body Wellness (see the link below) designed and created by two lovely ladies Lisa Lowndes and Rebecca Adams, the program is to help improve body image, nutrition, and mindset. For a one off payment you have access for life with new content being added all the time, and did I mention there is a 52% discount until January 11th. I did this program first time around which really helped me but now that my weight has increased quite a lot due to overindulging, lack of mindset, and exercise it’s time for me to get back to a healthier lifestyle.
Why don’t you join me and make a difference to your wellbeing, because you are worth it and deserve a happier healthier life?
Love and blessings
Jenny xx Sign up to the mailing list on our website for all the latest news and products
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